Te Pūkenga staff survey opens 3 November

Share your thoughts on our transition

On Thursday 3 November, all permanent and fixed term kaimahi within our ITP will receive an email from AskYourTeam inviting you to complete Aromātai Kaimahi, our short employee survey focused on how change is progressing within Te Pūkenga. Kaimahi within Work Based Learning have already been sent a link for their survey, which will close on Friday 28 October.

Aromātai Kaimahi is an opportunity for you to let us know what’s working well and where we need to focus our improvements as we bring our network together into Te Pūkenga. Our Acting Chief Executive Peter Winder and other senior network leaders will listen to your feedback and use it to inform the next steps and decisions made for our transformation journey.

When we checked in with you in February, you shared lots of great feedback. Here are a few of the things we’ve worked on since:

You said you would like

We responded with

Simple, varied communication

  • Ngā Taipitopito sent directly to all kaimahi
  • Shorter items, more simple tangible language
  • More videos to share messages
  • Continued progress on launching a network-wide intranet

Opportunities to build your connection with Te Pūkenga

  • With your feedback, we’ve confirmed our executive team structure and recruitment for these key roles is underway
  • Kanohi ki te kanohi visits to build our People, Culture and Wellbeing Strategy and for Te Hāro, the engagement on Our Pathway
  • Network wide online learning and events to build connection across the motu
  • Te Turuturu series to kōrero on mahi done with our Academic Delivery and Innovation and Partnerships and Equity teams

Wellbeing and leadership activities

We piloted Synergy Health, our personalised online wellbeing platform

Following positive feedback and uptake from you, we were excited to be able to extend Synergy Health to all kaimahi recently

We’ve seen kaimahi across the motu take part in physical challenges, battle it out in team quizzes, accessed benefits and more through this platform

You have also let us know that clarity around how transition will impact your team, your role and your reporting lines are priorities, and we acknowledge we are not as far through design mahi as we had planned. Recently we shared timelines for transition by business unit, and we look forward to supporting you with more information on design mahi and transition in the coming months.

We know there is much more to do, and our focus is guided by your contribution to this survey.  Aromātai Kaimahi is confidential and anonymous, and we encourage everyone to be open and honest in their responses.

If you haven’t received your link by 4 November, please contact support@askyourteam.com.