Te Pūkenga – Ngā Taipitopito Newsletter

Kei ngā mana, kei ngā reo, kei ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā huihui mai tatou

It was my pleasure to welcome kaimahi (staff) and ākonga (learners) from Wintec and Toi Ohomai into Te Pūkenga last week. We did so with a moving ceremony that acknowledged this important milestone. While I was in Kirikiriroa Hamilton, ceremonies took place at all eight campuses across the rohe.

Watch the highlights video of the hui whakanui here.

Central to the formalities were greenstone adzes known as toki poutangata which were gifted to the two organisations as a representation of the mauri or life force and a way to connect all of the different parts of Te Pūkenga network and our histories through this transition. You can read more about this below too.

I want to take this opportunity to again thank outgoing Chief Executives Dave Christiansen (Wintec) and Dr Leon Fourie (Toi Ohomai) as well as their respective boards. They have led their teams through this change with courage and empathy and have been champions for the work of Te Pūkenga.

I’m excited to have Dave on board as ITP Transition Lead. His work will be so important as we enter a critical phase in this transition. Like Wintec and Toi Ohomai, Dave is taking on the role of tuakana and will help lead others through the change ahead.

Leon will also play a key role, as Wintec and Toi Ohomai Transitional Executive Lead. While Leon wasn’t able to attend last week’s ceremony, he did dial in from Denver, Colorado, where he led the first Te Pūkenga international education delegation.

Alongside International leads from Southern Institute of Technology, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, Toi Ohomai and Education Minister Hon Chris Hipkins, Leon and the team launched Te Pūkenga on the international stage.

This is a sign of the pace and scale of work underway. We won’t be letting up – there’s a lot to do, but a growing team of passionate and dedicated kaimahi rolling up their sleeves.

Hurinoa, e tau ana.

Stephen Town
Chief Executive

He tīmatanga hōu – new beginnings for Te Pūkenga

I runga i ngā tikanga whakamānawa, i pōwhiritia e Te Pūkenga te ‘kōparapara moata’ arā, te mātāmua o ngā Pūtahi Hangarau me ngā Kuratini (ngā ITP) kia uru mai ki tōna kōtuinga ā-motu
He kōrero anō >

He tīmatanga hōu – new beginnings for Te Pūkenga

In a traditional ceremony of celebration, Te Pūkenga officially welcomed the first ‘early mover’ Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) to its national network
Read more >



Operating Model update: Consultation on our proposed structure
This year, we are designing a new organisation structure that delivers the capabilities and capacity we need to fulfil our charter commitments to ākonga, with their whānau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people. Over the next five weeks we will be preparing to consult on the proposed organisational structure and wanted to give you an update on this mahi.

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Meet Leon Fourie – Wintec Toi Ohomai Executive Transition Lead
Dr Leon Fourie, former Chief Executive of Toi Ohomai, has started his new role as Wintec Toi Ohomai Executive Transition Lead. We caught up with Leon to find out a bit more about him.

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Chief Financial Officer appointed
Matthew Walker has been appointed to the new permanent leadership position at Te Pūkenga.

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Stars align for Te Pūkenga webinar
Our kaimahi and ākonga will have an exclusive educational experience in celebration of New Zealand’s first national holiday for the Aotearoa Pacific New Year.

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Share your feedback on our unified Nursing and Social Work degree programmes
Kaimahi will have an opportunity in June to provide feedback during programme consultation on our Nursing and Social Work degree qualifications.

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Clear focus for sustainability in 2022
Learn more about what we’re doing to ensure sustainability is embedded across our organisation.

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Ara Poutama Aotearoa and Te Pūkenga enter new partnership agreement
Ara Poutama Aotearoa (the New Zealand Department of Corrections) and Te Pūkenga signed an agreement in March.

Read more >






People, Culture and Wellbeing strategy roadshow continues online
Didn’t make it in person to our roadshow? Find out how you can share your thoughts online through to the end of June.

Read more >


New sustainability competition calling for applicants

Smart Aotearoa – Sustainable Development (SASD 2022) is a new competition event launching this year that aims to showcase important sustainability mahi being done across the motu.

Contributions are welcome from tertiary institutes, communities, schools and companies across Aotearoa. The competition criteria covers many areas of sustainability like construction management, healthcare, energy, environment conservation, education, gender equity, etc. You can find the complete list on their website.

The event is organised by a dedicated group of people who work in the sustainability sector, many of which are from our network.
This is an exciting opportunity to engage in sustainability practices and showcase the mahi you might already be doing in this space. The winners will receive financial prizes and opportunities to attend AI technology and sustainability workshops.

Entries close on 2 September 2022. Find out more information about applying on their website or by emailing info@smart-aotearoa.org.


We welcome your feedback or suggestion for content
Please email info@tepukenga.ac.nz

View Ngā Taipitopito on our website ›


*All content © Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 2022*


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