Te Pūkenga Kotui Kōrero news – September 2021

Kia ora koutou

I hope you’ve all been keeping well in your bubbles. The past few weeks in lockdown and waiting to see the extent of the outbreak and what this will mean for each of us can be a challenge. I want to share my thanks to those across our network who made sure our learners were able to quickly move to online delivery – ka pai, you made a real difference for our ākonga.

Recently we were pleased to welcome Connexis to our Te Pūkenga whānau with a virtual whakatau.  Connexis is the second Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) to transfer and bring a fast-growing base of infrastructure learners and employers who keep New Zealand connected. We look forward to working with them to develop a skilled workforce that continues to build New Zealand.

In line with this, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has approved the transition of the Building and Construction ITO (BCITO) to Te Pūkenga on 4 October. We look forward to welcoming them to our whānau next month.

You may have also seen the appointment of Toby Beaglehole as Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning. Toby will start in the role on 4 October, with Acting Chief Executive Fiona Kingsford continuing to support the transition until the end of November. Jason Hungerford and Kaarin Gaukrodger have been appointed Directors of the BCITO and Connexis Business Divisions of WBL respectively. We’re pleased to have such a strong team supporting these key areas of on-job learning.

On 4 October the six new Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) will also become operational. They will work with their industries to develop and maintain a strategic view of the skills required, now and in the future. Their role is to set standards, develop qualifications as well as take on responsibility for external moderation and endorsing consent to assess for unit standards within their coverage areas.

We look forward to what the next month brings, and all the important mahi that will take place.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa – Let us keep close together, not wide apart.

Ngā mihi

Stephen Town
Chief Executive

Kia ora koutou

Ko te tūmanako e noho haumaru mai ana koutou i ō koutou nā mirumiru. Me tuku mihi au ki ngā tāngata puta noa i tēnei kōtuinga o tātou, nā rātou i whakarite kia whiti wawe ai ā tātou ākonga ki te ako tuihono – tēnā rawa atu koutou, nā koutou i whai painga ngā ākonga me ō rātou whānau. Ā, ki a koutou kei Tāmaki Makaurau e noho kāinga tonu nei, ka nui te mihi anō ki a koutou. Kia kaha tonu.

I tērā wiki i whakatauhia marikohia te rōpū o Connexis ki tō tātou whānau o Te Pūkenga. Ko Connexis te tuarua o ngā Whakahaere Whakangungu Ahumahi Whakawhiti (he TITO) i whakawhiti ai, koia e mauria mai ana tōna papa hanganga tipu horo nei me ōna anō kaitukumahi e mahi ana kia tūhonohono ai ngā wāhi me ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Ka tāria te wā e mahitahi ana me rātou ki te whakatipu ohumahi whai pūkenga māna e whai kia tipu haere tonu a Aotearoa.

Hāngai hoki ki tērā, kua whakaaetia e Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua (TEC) kia whakawhiti te BCITO ki Te Pūkenga ā te 4 o Oketopa. E anga nei te titiro ki te wā e pōwhiritia ai rātou ki tō tātou whānau ā tērā marama.

Tērā pea i kite koutou ngā kōrero mō te kopounga o Toby Beaglehole koia hei Kaiwhakakahaere Mātāmua mō Te Pūkenga Ako Wāhi-Mahi. Ka tīmata a Toby ki tana mahi hou a te 4 o Oketopa, otirā ka noho a Fiona Kingsford, ki tōna tūranga mō tēnei wā ki te tautoko haere i te whakawhiti mai, tae atu ki te mutunga o Noema. Kua kopoua a Jason Hungerford hei Kaiwhakahaere mō te BCITO me Kaarin Gaukrodger hei Kaiwhakahaere mō ā Connexis Wāhanga Pakihi o te WBL. Ka nui te harikoa kia whai tīma kaha nei hei tautoko i ēnei tino wāhanga o te ako i roto i te mahi.

Hei te 4 o Oketopa anō ka tīmata ngā Kaunihera Whakawhanake Ohumahi (ngā WDC) ki ā rātou mahi. Ka mahitahi rātou me ā rātou ake ahumahi ki te whakawhanake tirohanga rautaki ki ngā pūkenga e hiahiatia ana. Ko tā rātou hoki; he whakarite paerewa, tohu mātauranga hoki, he whakahaere i te whakaōrite ā-waho, me te tuku mana whakaae mō te aromatawai ki ngā paerewa i roto i ā rātou ake kaupapa.

E anga whakamua ana mātou ki te marama kei te tū mai me ōna āhuatanga anō, arā hoki ngā mahi whaihua kei te kawea e tēnā, e tēnā.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Ngā mihi

Stephen Town
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua

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