Te Pūkenga news – Ngā Taipitopito September 2021

Kia ora koutou

Over the next couple of years we’ll all be part of the transformation of vocational learning. The Minister has been very clear – this means changing the way we work so we can do better for our learners and employers.

We’ve been thinking carefully about how we go about this. We want to work together, mahi tahi, to make this a smooth transition. That means supporting you to engage with our mahi, and to have access to all the information you need, when you need it, so you can contribute and be part of Te Pūkenga whānau.

You all have so much valuable insight and knowledge. You understand our ākonga and the barriers they face, and you know the challenges that are inherent in the system. If we’re able to harness all of that understanding, we can design Te Pūkenga.

We’ve been working with your leaders to establish change teams in each subsidiary and business division of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning (WBL), as well as in Te Pūkenga. Local change teams will help you stay informed about proposed changes, deadlines for feedback, and available training and opportunities.

The team in Te Pūkenga will work with all the local teams to make sure your feedback and your voice is heard throughout this journey. Their job will also be to make sure we answer any questions you have.

Your local change teams are getting themselves set up and I’m sure they’ll reach out soon to introduce themselves if they haven’t already.

And finally, to our change teams – ka pai for taking on this mahi and leaning into this journey. We’re so grateful to have your help as we navigate through this change.

Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Chief Executive

Kia ora koutou

Hei ngā tau e rua e heke mai ana, ka whai wāhi tātou katoa ki te whakaumutanga o te ako ahumahinga. He mārama tonu ngā whakahau a te Minita – nā konei me mātua panoni i ā tātou tikanga mahi, kia pai ake ngā hua mō ā tātaou ākonga, kaitukumahi hoki.

Kua āta wānanga mātou me pēhea e tutuki ai tēnei hiahia. E tika ana kia mahi tahi tātou, kia ngāwari noa tēnei whakawhitinga. Nā reira me tautoko mātou i a koutou kia aronui mai ki ēnei mahi, kia taea anō e koe ngā pārongo katoa e hiahiatia ana, i te wā tika, kia whai koha mai, kia noho mai hoki i roto i te whānau o Te Pūkenga.

Kei a koutou anō te mōhiotanga, te māramatanga hoki ki ā tātou ākonga, ki ngā taupā e heipū mai ana me ngā wero nui kei roto tonu i te pūnaha nei. Mā te whakatōpū mai i āua māramatanga anō e taea ai e tātou te hoahoa i Te Pūkenga.

Kua mahi tahi mātou me ō koutou kaiārataki ki te whakatū he tīma hei e ārahi ngā panoni e whāia ana i roto i ia āpitihanga, i ia wāhānga pakihi hoki o tā Te Pūkenga Ako Wāhi Mahi (WBL), i Te Pūkenga anō hoki. Mā ngā tīma o ia rohe koutou e whakamōhio ki ngā panoni e haere ana, ngā rā tika me tae mai ō koutou nā whakaaro me ngā kaupapa whakangungu, huarahi hoki e wātea ana.

Ka mahi tahi te tīma i Te Pūkenga me ngā tīma kei ngā rohe kia mātua mōhio e rangona ana ō koutou reo, whakaaro hoki i roto i tēnei haerenga o tātou.

I tēnei wā e whakariterite ana ngā tīma panoni i ā rātou anō, mea ake nei ka whakapā atu ki a koutou, mēnā kāore anō kia pērā.

Hei kupu whakamutunga, me mihi au ki ā tātou tīma panoni, mō tō rātou kaha ki te kawe haere i tēnei mahi. Ka nui te mihi mō tō koutou āwhina i runga i tēnei hurihanga nui.

Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua


Call for Abstracts for APAC Technical and Vocational Education Forum

In the previous edition of Ngā Taipitopito, we shared the call for abstracts for the virtual APAC TVET Forum. Abstract submissions will now be accepted up to 1 October 2021.

This is an opportunity to share knowledge and insight on best practice across our sector with colleagues across the Asia Pacific. Wherever we live in Aotearoa, or in the world, a thriving future is what we all want.

Abstracts will be assessed by a panel comprising representatives from the host organisations and independent assessors. For more information visit apactvetforum.com.

Appointment of Members of PBRF Sector Reference Group for the Quality Evaluation 2025

Congratulations to Dr Christine Cheyne and Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan for being selected by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to be part of the Performance-Based Research Fund Sector Reference Group (SRG).

The group of 15 members will provide advice and recommendations on operational changes to the design of the 2025 Quality Evaluation.

The group’s first meeting will take place later this month and will meet regularly until June 2023 when the PBRF Quality Evaluation Guidelines will be published. Timeframes for this process, and the consultation papers, will be published on the TEC website.

We are delighted with these appointments, look forward to seeing both Christine and Jenny representing Te Pūkenga network in this group.

Otago Polytechnic’s Māori Annual Report

Otago Polytechnic has recently shared its 2020 Māori Annual Report, Whakakaha te Hoataka: Strengthening the Partnerships. The report includes profiles of some of their high achieving staff and exceptional tauira Māori, as well as progress made throughout 2020.

We’d like to mihi Otago Polytechnic for the report which proposes next steps and ways they intend to continue growing as a preferred place of work and study for Ngāi Māori. Otago Polytechnic will present its report to mana whenua on one of the local papatipu marae next month.

You can read the full report here.

Your Questions

This is a section where we will share and answer your questions with the network. You can email your questions to  ourjourney@tepukenga.ac.nz

How will Te Pūkenga network approach implementation of the Ministry of Education’s new code of practice for pastoral care?

The Ministry announced a new code for domestic and international tertiary learners, which will come into effect on 1 January 2022. We’ve established a Te Pūkenga Sub-sector Advisory Committee to work with NZQA to co-develop guidelines that are fit for purpose for Te Pūkenga. The Committee includes six staff from Unitec, Otago Polytechnic, SIT, Ara, Wintec and Primary ITO, as well as six learners or recent graduates from MIT, Ara, BCITO, Otago Polytechnic and WelTec/Whitireia. The guidelines will be published by NZQA in November and will provide initial implementation guidance for the network, including roles and responsibilities of Te Pūkenga and the subsidiaries

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