Rahwa, Jessica and Molly – Student Support Advisors
A refresher regarding what we do & how to connect with us at Student Support.
Link to our booking page: https://guides.unitec.ac.nz/studentsupportbookings
Please check out the above link as it has useful information we update regularly as well as being a booking page, so can be quite useful for both staff and ākonga (students). The team video is there too – worth a watch! 😊
Appointments can be made by ākonga or staff to discuss (or for practical assistance with):
- StudyLink application support
- Financial support for hardship and study needs
- Issues that may be impacting your studies or study experience
- Access to the food cupboard (includes toiletries/period supplies/basic stationery)
- Informal concerns/complaints
- Referrals and/or connecting you to other student services both on and off campus
While it is a good idea to book or ask ākonga to book using the above link, it is also fine to email us studentsupport@unitec.ac.nz
Please do not message Advisors directly as this can mean uneven workloads for Advisors – if you email the team email (above) whoever has time available can pick up any work coming in. This will help our ākonga to be supported in a timely manner.
In addition to this we also look after the pastoral care of ākonga living at Campus Waterview (student accommodation owned and managed externally, but we have an MOU with Campus Waterview). We do this through wellbeing calls and monthly lunch events to connect ākonga to their peers at Campus Waterview and also to support services at Unitec who come along to lunches. At present we have 103 ākonga residing at Campus Waterview – this changes over the semester as ākonga come and go.
The loan laptop form is open and can be accessed here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=sonzgIBzZ0u1J39xGleBMOcGYQccsKdIux-srayzJV1UQkpBVzFXVlIxTVJENzBBTzc5M05UWjFBOC4u
Student Support do not loan the laptops anymore – ākonga fill in the above form and are contacted by Student Central, who will send a link to book in and pick up the laptop and set it up on campus with the team at Student Central. Laptops are also returned here at the agreed date (this will be on the contract signed by the ākonga during their appointment). Loan period is for that years enrolment – this will be one semester or two, whatever is in the system. In the second semester the contract will be for one semester as laptops need to be returned at the end of each year.
Please note we have put loan laptop applications on hold
at the moment and ākonga will likely be waitlisted as stock is now very low. There are still a few Apple Mac laptops available for ākonga who are needing them for their programme of studies – Creative Industries etc.
Ākonga can access digital copies of our flyers here:
Please feel free to share the link and also to our booking page and other information.
Hope this is helpful. Please contact Andrea Stills if you have any other questions.