Our student NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey is now open and will close on Monday 8 May.
Students will be invited by email and SMS, but academic staff are also encouraged to direct students to complete the survey in class, to ensure good participation in the survey. It will only take approximately five to six minutes to complete.
Please direct students to www.unitec.ac.nz/survey2023 and they will be able to access the survey. Note they will need to enter their student ID to access the survey when using this link. If there are any issues, students can email insights@unitec.ac.nz and the team will sort out the issue.
Not all programmes are included in the student NPS survey as it’s limited to “formal” programmes only. The programmes listed below are NOT included in the survey.
Academic Programme Name and Programme Code
- Generic Short Courses: GENRC
- Nursg Competency Assessmt Prog: VTNCA
- Short Courses in Special Needs: GSPN
- Short Crs in Electrotechnology: GETEC
- Short Crses Auto Engineering: GAENG
- Short Crses Maori Lan&Culture: GMLC
- STAR Secondry School Short Crs: SSTAR
- UPC Secondary School Course: UPC
The survey closes 8 May 2023. Thanks for your help with ensuring as many ākonga as possible complete the survey.