Student Course Surveys 2021: Teachers please allocate 15 minutes of class time

The semester two 2021 course surveys open today for three weeks (weeks 11-13), closing on Sunday 07 November 2021.

Read more on the Nest page .

RateMyCourse Portal

Students can now access their surveys via the RateMyCourse Portal. Once they enter their student ID# their allocated surveys will be available and as they fill them out, they can go back in using the same link to access their remaining surveys. This means they won’t receive multiple emails to cover all of their courses.

The link to distribute and add to your Moodle course is

The students will still receive one email on Monday 18 October inviting them to partake with instructions and the link.

Allocate 15 minutes of class time

Because we’re not sending multiple emails directly to the students anymore, we will be relying much more on teaching staff to be fully engaged in this process and to encourage their students to participate any chance they get.  It is recommended that 15 minutes is set aside during class time for students to provide their feedback.

Courses to be surveyed

TKK have worked with APMs on which courses are to be surveyed this semester.

The majority of courses will be full year courses and those running in semester two 2021.

Closing the feedback loop with students

When the findings from the survey are sent out to schools, we will also provide Information about how to use the findings and ways to let students know how you have used their responses to improve the course.

If you have any questions, please contact



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