Runners and walkers unite – join Unitec’s virtual club

Dave Hicks, mid-run

Working from home has kept us apart, but also brought us together in many ways. We’ve seen innovative solutions to delivering classes, keeping in touch and participating in wellness activities. It’s amazing to see the team spirit shining bright during lockdown – and another example of this is the Unitec Run and Walk club on Strava.

Running and walking is an activity enjoyed by many of us, not just for the fitness benefits, but also for our mental health. Over the lockdown period, Erin Hughes, Health and Safety Administrator and Unitec wellbeing champion, set up the Unitec Run and Walk group through the Strava app. This has brought a growing number of Unitec people together, to share their runs and walks and motivate each other to keep moving – long or short distances, hills or flats, running or walking.

Dave’s run

The app is easy to use, will track your progress and even includes a leaderboard to show the top performers, for those who like a bit of competition.

Inger Anderson, School Business Administrator for Trades and Services, has found the competitive aspect of Strava has motivated her.

“I love a bit of healthy competition so have really enjoyed this, gone the extra kilometre each day just to beat Ben [McNally-Burn] and Trudy [Vinkenvleugel]. No more rest day on a Sunday!”

For Peter Rees, Publicity & Events Coordinator for Creative Industries, the motivation is different; it’s about improving his running fitness. Peter says he always loved walking, but running is something he loathed.

“Now I am beginning to enjoy it more as my fitness levels increase during the lockdown period. The Strava app has been great to connect with others and track my progress – it keeps me honest, but motivated!”

Dave Hicks, APM in Bridgepoint and Suresh Palapati, Computing and Information Technology Lecturer have appreciated the support network that Team Unitec has created, finding it fun and motivating.

Ben McNally-Burn, post run

“Running is a cheap, time-free and rewarding way of getting and keeping fit. It’s fun way to support and feel supported by work colleagues as we exercise apart/together,” said Dave.

Seasoned runner Ben McNally-Burn, International Relationship Manager, currently sits at the top of the Team Unitec leaderboard, finding it has filled the gap left by the cancellation of team sports.

“I’ve absolutely loved being part of the Unitec Run and Walk Club on Strava! With team sports being postponed for the time being, it’s been awesome to connect with colleagues on the app to track our progress and motivate each other to stay active! I’ve never run this much in my life! “

The club is welcoming new members, for Level 2 and beyond! Check it out on the Nest.

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