Reminder: Hui with Te Pūkenga ELT and Regional Co-Leaders

There are a range of opportunities to engage with ELT and our Rohe 1 co-leaders coming up, to discuss the proposals. Please also refer to Te Whare for updates.

Te Pūkenga ELT hui

At Unitec, hui will be held at the below times. Please attend the breakout session with the ELT member most relevant to your mahi, then the full group will come together for a large group discussion. All kaimahi are welcome.

Tuesday 27 June

Unitec Mt Albert campus, Gold Lecture theatre in Te Puna (B180): 1pm – 3pm

ELT representatives: Andrew McSweeney, Gus Gilmore, Paora Ammunson and Megan Gibbons

1:00-2:00pm: Break-out sessions – choose from one of the following rooms to meet with the DCE most relevant to your mahi

  1. B170-1016 with Gus Gilmore, DCE Ako Delivery
  2. B170-1064 with Megan Gibbons, DCE Academic Centre and Learning Systems
  3. B180-1003 (Gold Lecture Theatre) with Andrew McSweeney, DCE Learner and Employer Experience and Attraction
  4. B182-2001 with Paora Ammunson, DCE Tiriti Outcomes

2:00-3:00pm: Informal all staff session: please join together in B170-1016

Tuesday 4 July

Unitec Waitākere campus, Main lecture theatre 510-B007: 11am – 1pm

ELT representatives: Andrew McSweeney and Paora Ammunson

Regional kaimahi hui

Toa and Peseta will be holding a range of hui over the consultation period.

  • Unitec, Red Lecture Theatre: Thursday 29 June, 10am – 11am:Face to face hui and livestreamed: An outlook appointment will be sent for this.
  • They will also hold online hui for all kaimahi over the next three weeks. More information to come on these hui.
  • A series of online Talanoa for Pacific Staff will be hosted by Area 1 Pacific Leads in Te Pūkenga Moana Pacific collective. Please email if you would like to be sent the link to this event.

For more information on any of the above, please email