Data Collection 2021 – for all Academic staff

Final date to complete Data Collection information is Friday 28 May, 2021 Every five years  our copyright license requires that we complete a copyright data return to Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ). Record the printed copyright resources you’ve provided to learners in 2021 All academic staff need to list the copyright resources they provided to… Read more »

How many different languages are spoken at Unitec? Share a phrase in your Mother Language!

Celebrating diversity – UN Mother Language Day How many different languages are spoken within Unitec? Help us to find out – contribute a phrase to our display! Monday 21 February is UN International Mother Language Day. “Every two weeks a language disappears taking with it an entire cultural and intellectual heritage. Languages are of strategic… Read more »

Thinking of studying Business? Check out this Tuition Fees offer for permanent Unitec staff!

Our School of Applied Business has a fantastic offer for Unitec permanent staff to enrol in our new post graduate programmes. Providing you meet the eligibility criteria, as a Permanent tenured Unitec staff member you might be able to study with significantly reduced tuition fees (90% off for International Tuition Fees) or even for free… Read more »

Lift in B170 out of order until 26 February

Our Infrastructure Operations Team has advised that the lift in B170 has had a failure, and that they are waiting on parts to be air freighted from England. The lift should be fully operational by Friday 26 February. Unfortunately, this has happened during planned structural work for the full replacement of lifts in B182 and… Read more »

Members needed for Appeal Resolution Committee 

Unitec’s Academic Committee is looking for senior Academic staff to consider student appeals as and when required. You can learn more about the process here:   Terms of Reference for Appeal Resolution Committee   Student Appeal Procedure  Taking part in a committee is a good way to network and is also another skill to add to your CV and ADEP, as an expression of rangatiratanga in your role at Unitec.    Committee members – what we’re looking for  Appeals can be managed with three… Read more »

Māori Orientation Day – Friday 12 February

This Friday is Māori Orientation Day, which is an opportunity for first year tauira Māori students and their whanau to meet Te Roopū Mataara (Māori staff) and our Student Success teams who provide a wrap-around services and support for them. As Māori we engage best “Kanohi ki te kanohi” – face to face.  It is… Read more »

Need course material from Copy Centre? Order now!

Academic staff: Our Copy Centre has requested that you submit your printed course material to the Copy Centre soon to avoid a bottleneck at the start of semester 1. Note: You must fill out the Data Collection form if your material contains copyrighted resources that come from a printed source. You’ll find all the forms you… Read more »

Visitor parking – Mt Albert campus

The Security team are now managing the visitor parking in the spaces outside B111 to simplify the current process and ensure one point of contact. You can book these in the same way as previously as a resource via the outlook calendar (they are named 110 Parking 1 through to 9). Please ensure your name… Read more »

Enjoy your summer break… and here’s some inspiration from Ivy for your Christmas baking

It’s nearly time for our summer break and we wish everyone well for the holiday period, whether you are having a short or a longer break, make the most of it! After the year that we’ve all had, we all deserve some time to relax, enjoy the sunny days and balmy nights, and connect with… Read more »

Congratulations to our new Senior Lecturers

We are delighted to announce the promotion of 14 Lecturers who have been successful in the Senior Academic Staff Appointments and Promotions process and have been promoted to Senior Lecturer, effective 1 February 2021. This is a significant achievement and follows an extensive evaluation of each individual’s record of contributions to research, teaching and service… Read more »