In memory: Darrell Edwards

With great sadness, the School of Trades and Services family announced the passing of our beloved colleague Darrell Edwards. After a short illness, Darrell passed away Sunday evening surrounded by his family. Over 15 years of service with Unitec, Darrell was a gentle soul who never wished malice upon anybody. His love of teaching was… Read more »

Secondment Opportunity – Interim Director Industry Partnership

1.0 FTE – 10 January 2022 through to approximately 11 March 2022 This is an opportunity for an existing member of Unitec’s whānau to step up, and steer the team to ensure consistent partnership and collaboration with internal and external partners. The Interim Director of Industry Partnership will nurture and preserve existing industry partnership relationships… Read more »

Secondment Opportunity – Interim Academic Programme Manager

Interim Academic Programme Manager: School of Creative Industries (DCA) (1.0 FTE – through to July 2022) This is an opportunity for an existing member of Unitec’s whanau to step up, maintain the momentum, and partner with the School of Creative Industries to drive excellence within Design and Contemporary Arts (DCA). The Interim Academic Programme Manager… Read more »

From Stephen Town: Thanks for sharing your voice

Tēnā koe i ōu whakaaro Last week the engagement activity on Te Pūkenga proposed Operating Model closed. This engagement activity is an important part of the conversations we need to have which will lead to formal consultation on the detailed Operating Model in the first half of 2022. A huge thank you to everyone who… Read more »

Unitec’s first Zoom play! Link expires on Saturday

Check out Unitec’s first Zoom Play! Julie Hill’s Stories Told to Me by Girls featuring Unitec’s Year 2 Acting students is now available for viewing on our Creative Industries School VIMEO channel      

Student Net Promoter Score reports now available.

Student NPS The student NPS survey is a survey that goes out to all students who are enrolled in a formal programme of study with Unitec in one of the main semesters. The survey is done each semester (excluding summer school). It is Unitec’s main student engagement metric and is explained further in the report.… Read more »

Staff Engagement Survey 2021

You should have received an email on Monday about the 2021 Staff Engagement survey. The Staff Engagement Survey happens just once a year and is broader in scope than the May Pulse Survey which is more of a snapshot. The survey is an internal measure for us on key areas of the organisation, and some… Read more »

Covid vaccination event on Friday – prizes, coffee, ice cream

Along with the many other walk in clinics, GPs, ‘Got ya dot’ campaign and other vaccination centres, there’s a big vaccine drive at TAPAC this Friday. Please share with whānau and friends, as we work towards 90% vaccination across all three Auckland District Health Boards.  

Te Pūkenga: Ngā Taipitopito – October 2021

  Kia ora koutou Last week marked the start of our engagement with you, with learners and employers, and with iwi, hapū and Māori, on our proposed Operating Model. This engagement has been a long time in the making, and it will be a key part of informing the services and functions we need, how… Read more »

It’s Clean Up Week – Keep New Zealand Beautiful!

Being a tidy Kiwi. It’s Clean Up Week at Keep New Zealand Beautiful – the annual campaign where Kiwis mobilise to pick up litter. Obviously, group gatherings are not a thing in Auckland right now, but there are still many clean-up activities happening in Auckland and elsewhere, with volunteers nationwide working hard to accommodate different… Read more »