Registrations of Interest are now open for grants from the 2021 Unitec Early Career Researcher (ECR) Fund
The ECR Fund provides annual, contestable funding to emerging and established early career researchers (ECRs), to support them to develop their capability, capacity and career progression as a Principal Investigator (PI) on a high quality applied research project that meets the evaluation criteria. The scheme is managed by Tūāpapa Rangahau and operates within a matrix of support for ECRs at Unitec.
Applicants need to complete a Registration of Interest (ROI). The RoI enables Tūāpapa Rangahau to check the PI meets the definition of an ECR, to assign the PI a mentor (if requested), and to identify the types of assessment expertise that will be required during the later phase of the application process. Full applications will be invited from eligible PIs and will be assessed on research quality, impact, engagement, capability development and application quality.
Eligible expenses
Research assistants; small student stipends; specialist testing, statistical analysis, sampling etc; translation; transcription; koha; travel (with a clear justification); mileage; research materials, including small items of equipment (the purchase of tablets and smart phones will need a robust rationale); equipment hireage (the purchase of CAPEX equipment that could otherwise be hired is very unlikely to be funded); buy-out of staff time (subject to a very clear rationale and explicit written support from the applicant’s line
manager); research on teaching practice that leads to quality assured research outputs.
Guidelines, timing and more information
- Early Career Researcher Fund Guidelines
- Timeline
- RoIs close on Friday 4 September 2020
Contact Brenda Massey if you have a questions or your Research Partner if you would like to discuss a project idea or your eligibility for funding.