Ngā Taipitopito – Share the language with the world | Ako framework | Diversity Awards

Kia ora koutou

I’m just back from two weeks in the UK to celebrate my son’s wedding. Here we celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, 50 years since the petihana and began the process of farewelling Queen Elizabeth and welcoming King Charles. It was a timely reminder that change is constant in this world – but how we operate through change is not.

At Te Pūkenga, the past two weeks have been spent processing and listening to the whakaaro shared on Tā tātou huarahi | Our pathway. This is a significant undertaking which involved categorising and analysing nearly 3,000 pieces of feedback, half of which arrived on the last day.

I cannot emphasise enough the variety of views put forward throughout Te hāro (the engagement period). It was clear that as a Network we are passionate about education and training and the value we can add to Aotearoa New Zealand through that. However, we have quite widely varied views on the best way to organise ourselves to achieve that. Much of the feedback is contradictory. Sifting through the varying views is taking time.

Once analysed, the feedback will be systematically applied to the draft structure and preliminary decisions made. The decision-making process will involve seeking official approval from Te Pūkenga Council as appropriate.

Once decisions are final, there is another process to ensure we release information in an appropriate manner. For Tā tātou huarahi that process will centre on conversations with affected kaimahi, with adjacent kōrero happening with unions, Government agencies and representatives and Network leaders. This form of working takes time, and brings together leaders from across the Network.

We are also working on the details of integration and transition to a unified Network. To ensure we move at pace, I asked for design to begin on the Digital and People Culture and Wellbeing business groups. This is ahead of the final decisions and the final engagement response document. The work does not presuppose any final decisions on either the shape of the business groups, or our executive structure, but is essential to enable rapid progress.

While on the road I committed to coming back to you on 20 September or as close as possible. Now that we have a clear view of the mahi required “as close as possible” is, given all of the above processes, likely to be the first week of October.

We need to get this right and we need to do justice to the feedback that we have received. We can’t rush this.

I also want to acknowledge the resignation of our CFO Matthew Walker and share the plan for that role. An interim CFO has been appointed while the recruitment of a permanent CFO takes place. This doesn’t detract from the important work we are all doing to address our financial situation. The appointment of an interim CFO will help us to maintain the momentum we have gained.

Ngā mihi,
Peter Winder
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua | Acting Chief Executive

Tukuna te reo Māori ki te ao!
Ko te whakakata me te haka tērā

me te hītori me te hokinga whakaaro

i kitea, i rongohia i tētahi in hui

tuihono i whakaritea e Te Pūkenga

hei whakanui i te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

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Share Māori language with the world!
Humour and haka combined with

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All content © Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 2022.