Ngā Taipitopito Newsletter – 29 April

Kia ora koutou,

Karanga te pō, karanga te ao, karanga te kaupapa o te rā ko Ngā Taipitopito o Te Pūkenga e tere atu nei, tihei mauriora!

Since our last update, across the motu (country) we’ve moved to the Orange setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework. For those campus-based colleagues in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, this time also marks a shift towards a return to more on-site delivery. With the majority of your delivery occurring online since August last year, I’m sure this will be a significant change for kaimahi and your learners.

With each shift in our public health settings comes a period of adjustment as we remind ourselves what this phase means, how we can keep ourselves, our learners and our whānau safe and how we can support local and connect with each other.

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away. We must continue to be considered and deliberate in our approach and draw on public health measures to slow the spread of this virus. Keeping up good hygiene practices and mask wearing in close-contact and confined spaces will help us go about our work as safely as possible. Continue looking after your wellbeing and your wellness – as well as those around you.

In our last newsletter we included a link to a TEU State of the Tertiary Sector survey.  We thought by sharing the link in this manner that more tertiary sector staff may decide to complete the survey. We didn’t anticipate some of the concerns that have been raised.
For this we unreservedly apologise and will take more care to explain why any survey might be included in the fortnightly newsletter in the future.

Finally, I wanted to share a little more information with you about the early move of Toi Ohomai and Wintec into Te Pūkenga. Below you’ll find a link to a recording of the announcement, as well as some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Watch the announcement video

FAQs on Early Mover ITPs

As I mentioned in the last edition, there are no changes to roles in the Early Mover ITPs workstream, with the exception of Chief Executives and governance arrangements. Dave and Leon are important kaiārahi (leaders) and will continue to be as we move through this change. Their significance and value will be preserved through this process and we will support our colleagues across the network through this stage of the journey.

Ngā mihi,
Stephen Town
Chief Executive




Meet ELT: Deputy Chief Executive, Operations Vaughan Payne

Over the next few months we’ll be sharing some short videos that showcases Te Pūkenga leaders, what drives them and why they’re passionate about the mahi they’re doing. This week, get to know Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive, Operations, Vaughan Payne.

Read more >






We need your help to develop our People, Culture and Wellbeing Strategy
We’re visiting locations across the motu next month to get your thoughts on what should be included in our People, Culture and Wellbeing Strategy for 2023-2027.

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Piloting a new digital wellbeing platform
We’re piloting a new wellbeing platform with some subsidiaries to see if it is the right fit for us. Read more to see who’s involved and learn more about the platform.

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WBL Executive Leadership Team introduction
This update introduces the team leading WBL, one of the four key workstreams of the Operating Model

Read more >



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All content © Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 2022.

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