The new delegations framework came into effect on Monday. This affects many of our kaimahi, especially those who have the authority to approve spending, so please familiarise yourself with these documents: National Delegations Policy and Standing Delegations Register.
If you’re unsure of your own delegations, check with your manager or the finance team. Also please note that the need for this framework was identified a few months ago, and was developed before, and separate to, the organisational design proposal.
Video recording of Delegations Seminar
If you need a bit more information, here’s a recording of a seminar held at MIT, facilitated by Prof Martin Carroll.
Please note the following:
- The Policy provides for high-level delegation principles and key responsibilities.
- The Register is in three parts. Section C of the Register provides for specific delegations to kaimahi. Delegations are made to ELT, Regional Co-Leads, Senior Leaders, Managers and kaimahi.
- The following templates have been developed to use in conjunction with the new framework, which you can access on Te Whare: Temporary Delegation Memo and Interim Working Delegation Memo which is intended to support the environment we are working with.
If you have any questions or concerns around the new delegations framework, please contact