New Board and MIT executives are welcomed to Unitec

The Board and members of the MIT executive team cross the ātea to their welcome at Ngākau Māhaki

This morning a pōwhiri was held to welcome our new Board of Subsidiary Directors, along with members of the Manukau Institute of Technology executive team. This was another milestone in our journey as a subsidiary of the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST).

Board members in the front row, from the left to Merran, along with staff members who attended the pōwhiri to welcome them and MIT executives

Our new Board was appointed on 1 April 2020 by the NZIST, to govern Unitec New Zealand Limited and Manukau Institute of Technology Limited. It is chaired by Peter Winder who also served on our Advisory Committee. A list of the Board members is available on the Unitec website here.

The Board has already met twice since their appointment but today will be the first time they have met at Mt Albert campus. The MIT executive team are also meeting with our execs for a joint strategy session this afternoon.





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