The Te Puna Ako team has made some updates to the Moodle resources and guidelines they have developed to help teaching staff prepare for phase 2 of on-line teaching – 28 April to 29 May 2020.
Some of the resources that were provided initially were to help manage the rapid shift to remote teaching, so they have now either been moved, removed or replaced with updated versions. If there is anything that you can’t find and still need, please contact Maureen Perkins – anything no longer on Moodle can still be made available.
As the team is now in a little more ‘settled phase’, they’ve had a little more time (versus a couple of days!), to focus on making improvements to the resources designed to support teaching staff with planning and facilitating remote learning.
More information on assessments is coming soon and the Te Puna Ako team we will send an announcement from Moodle when that information is available.
Please also refer to today’s post: Updated resources for making changes to teaching, learning and assessment during COVID-19>