The Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) facilities, currently located at the lower rugby fields near Gate 3, will be moving to the upper fields from Friday 16 April as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) is starting a geotechnical investigation of the lower fields.
The new area will be sectioned off with the same green decreased-visibility-fencing that is in place currently and will extend to the Air Cadet building on Farm Rd down to the car park running parallel to the rugby field.
This means that the use of carparking in both the MHUD-owned lower field and upper field areas, will no longer be accessible from Thursday evening, 15 April. Alternative parking is available as per the attached parking map, with a large number of parks usually available by the Sports Centre.
The strict protocols around the MIQ exercise area will remain in place, including fencing, signage, security-to-guest ratios, wearing of face coverings and the maintenance of two-metre physical distancing. As before, MIQ guests and staff won’t be able to mix with members of the public, or guests from other MIQ facilities.
If you have any questions or need further information, please email
Has anybody let the 50 students who usually park there about this and the fact that they’ll have to move from a free park to a paid one? I don’t see any signs or flyers. There are already too few parks available!
Yes, student support has notified students.