It’s good news, soon we’ll be introducing our new team and communications hub, Microsoft Teams, which replaces and upgrades a number of everyday resources we currently use, and provides several new and very useful features.
Microsoft Teams is easy to navigate as everything is in one place and it has some innovative new features that makes sharing and streamlining our daily mahi much easier!
When we’re ready to launch you’ll be supported with a series of half-hour training sessions and our floor walkers will be on hand to come to you during the launch week, plus there’ll be a quick-start guide, a dedicated resource on IT’s Nest page, and Microsoft’s own online resources.
We’re underway now with the pilot programme to ensure we get it right before we launch across the institution. We have around 40 staff from across the business who are testing Microsoft Teams, so when we roll out in a couple of months, we will have tested the platform and ironed out any challenges.
So if you hear any colleagues talking about Microsoft Teams they’ll probably be part of our pilot programme or already big fans of Teams. NZIST has been using this product for a while, another reason we are making this change, but also because we know it is an effective teamwork product that will take us forward into the future. In addition, as Skype is no longer being supported by Microsoft, it was important that we looked at our alternatives and Microsoft Teams call and video conferencing provides improved performance and innovation that will support us for the long term.