This Friday is Māori Orientation Day, which is an opportunity for first year tauira Māori students and their whanau to meet Te Roopū Mataara (Māori staff) and our Student Success teams who provide a wrap-around services and support for them.
As Māori we engage best “Kanohi ki te kanohi” – face to face. It is also our responsibility as Māori staff to reassure whānau that we are here to manaaki/look after their tamariki/mokopuna.
Staff members are welcome to attend, and if you have any questions please email Darlene Cameron
When: Friday 12 February
Where: Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec
9am: Powhiri
10am: Morning tea
10:30am: Meet your services
11:15am: Hikoi
12:45pm: Lunch
1:15pm: Student Council
2.30pm: Finish