Software Application Requests for Semester 2, 2022 due by Wednesday 25 May.
Over the following months and semester breaks, IT will be updating the software in these areas:
- Student computer labs / classrooms
- Waitākere libraries
- Te Puna
To submit a Software Application Request, please complete this software request form by Wednesday 25 May.
The IT team cannot consider any late requests, so please get them in on time – late requests will need to wait until Semester 1, 2023.
To allow sufficient time for testing of software, one licensed copy of the software must be received by the above date.
Contact Monisha Deo – IT Operations and Licensing Coordinator at
there is no Friday, 25-May. Is it Friday, the 20-May or Wednesday, the 25-May?
Thanks, Peter R
The School of Construction and Engineering requests kindly ‘Sketch up’ and ‘Turn-it-in’. Other requests may follow.
Kia ora Kathe, please email the IT team directly – they’re not monitoring comments on this post.