Invitation to Te Pūkenga hui for all kaimahi: Friday 29 July, 11-11.45am

From Peter Winder, Acting CEO of Te Pūkenga:

Kia ora koutou,

I am writing to invite you to an online all-kaimahi kōrero on Friday 29 July, 11:00am – 11:45am.

This hui will provide the opportunity for me to introduce myself to you. At the hui I will also:

  • announce the timing and approach to the rescheduled engagement and consultation on our proposed organisation structure
  • share an update on the mahi going on to establish Te Pūkenga and to address the challenges that we currently face, and
    answer questions.

The question session will be facilitated by MIT’s Communications Manager Ali Ikram, who will be better known to most of you as a TV reporter and journalist than as a Comms Manager.

In order for me to address the questions that you will have please send in your questions by 4pm Thursday 28 July. Please submit questions in advance using the link below.

Question submission link

Please register for the hui to receive the calendar invitation and help us manage the technical requirements.

Registration link

The session will be recorded and shared with the Network (ITP subsidiaries, WBL and TITO kaimahi) early next week.

Ngā mihi
Peter Winder
Acting Chief Executive