Our Copy Centre will have reduced capacity over the next few weeks so the team is unable to provide their usual high level of service. We have solutions in place for kaimahi and ākonga to ensure printing, binding, laminating and design services are available over this period.
This is a short-term solution, for the period 19 June to 7 July 2023. We’ll also share this information with ākonga this week. Digital and physical signage will direct ākonga to Student Central where needed.
Copy Centre interim replacement services
Please read the list below for the interim service solutions.
We ask that you share this information with your teams and anyone in need of Copy Centre support over the coming weeks.
The Copy centre will operate reduced hours Monday to Friday, 10am – 3pm, for the services listed below.
Services for kaimahi
Printing – Use Multi-functional printers (MFD’s) for small loads, and use Gravitas via web portal for bulk printing, e.g., exam papers.
School of Architecture will manage their printing via their internal resource. They can also support other business units and Schools (as workload allows) for framed scale printing, e.g., posters. Alternatively, these jobs can be outsourced to Gravitas.
Large volumes of printing such as examination papers are outsourced to BlueStar (based in Henderson), this is undertaken directly by Schools & business units.
Graphic Design jobs go to Gravitas via web portal, with review by our Marketing team for brand consistency.
Any issues with our onsite printers, please email Copy Centre.
Graduation and other certificates: a solution has not been confirmed but will be decided soon and communicated to the relevant teams.
The process for ordering paper for our onsite printers remains the same – please email Copy Centre.
Gravitas, which will cover some of our larger print jobs and some design work has already been providing services to us and is familiar with Unitec Te Pūkenga needs. Any kaimahi who are not already signed up to Gravitas media centre, and are approved for access, will receive an email containing your user name and independent login. You won’t need to submit a purchase order.
Please read the email user letter, the FAQs and the Gravitas Media Centre guide. You can also watch an instruction video here>> Media Centre Guidelines
Services for ākonga
Binding and laminating continues to be completed by Copy Centre
Printing A4 and A3: completed by Student Central team
There will be limited access to graphic design for the interim period, please contact the Copy centre direct for graphic design needs
If you have any questions around this interim service, please contact me at dbrady@unitec.ac.nz.