Sneak peek at Synergy content

We are currently half way through our Synergy pilot. The Synergy health platforms enables you to access talks, competitions and plenty of tips to foster positive wellbeing in your home and work environments.

64 of our staff have signed up thus far, Unitec’s H&S representative and Academic Programme Manager for Bridging Education, Sue Tulett said she really enjoys the high-quality content and the range of challenges you can sign up for

Here are samples of some of the articles:


Too often the people pushing self-care are the same ones pushing crystal healing techniques and horoscopes. As a result, self-care has gotten the unfortunate association of being a little mystical or “out there.” But it’s not at all. In fact, self-care is remarkably ordinary.

Most people understand that there are certain things we should do consistently to stay physically healthy like exercising, eating well, going to see the doctor annually, brushing our teeth, etc. Nothing mystical there…

Take care of your social health

It’s a truism that people are social creatures. And even the most extreme introvert needs other people to maintain their emotional health and wellbeing.

The trick is to find the right kind of social interaction. A gregarious, outgoing extrovert might thrive on a multitude of interactions, meeting new people, and spending time with other people while also engaging in activities. A more reserved introvert, however, might prefer a quiet coffee date with their best friend.

So, rather than merely hoping for high-quality social interactions, a good self-care routine would involve regular, consistent meetups with the people in your life that you enjoy the most.


Getting Rest

When you hear the phrase ‘get some rest,’ what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are you think of sleep. But have you ever woken up after a full eight hours of sleep feeling just as exhausted as when your head hit the pillow? Or tried to improve your chronic lack of energy by getting more sleep?


Sleep is only one part of a bigger picture – it’s physical rest – only one of the seven forms of rest.

Every activity we do requires energy, and not just physical energy. Most of us are familiar with the feeling of physical fatigue and the need for physical rest, but can we identify the six other types of rest needed?




  • Use Cash!  Give yourself a weekly ‘fun allowance’ and draw money out as a way of tracking your spending on discretionary spending or ‘entertainment’.
  • Unsubscribe from emails for websites that tempt you to spend or don’t sign up to them in the first place!
  • Drink more water.  Water is free and healthier than sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages.


The state of ‘Flow’ originated in the 1960s in the field of positive psychology and is a popular way of incorporating ‘mindfulness’ into physical activity. The research on flow indicates that achieving a flow state helps improve self-awareness and self-esteem. It can help you learn and retain skills more effectively and reduce anxiety levels.

A ‘Flow’ workout looks to combine a series of movements where you really focus on perfecting each element and how your body flows through each movement. Watch this youtube video for a guided workout through from crab to ape moves.


To read these articles in full and more, sign up to Synergy for free.

Start with going to this page Login | Synergy Health Ltd and click on the small green button to create a new account.

Then it is a two-step process:

  1. Fill out the necessary fields and click register
  2. Look to the bottom of the blue box. A new field appeared. This is where you enter the company code: education