Feeling unwell? Reminder re process under Alert Level 1 for staff and students

Reminder from our Te Puna Waiora health centre: Please stay at home if you are feeling sick

At Alert Level 1 the risk of COVID being spread in the community is much greater as there are no restrictions on gatherings or going out, so if you have cold or flu symptoms it is very important that you stay at home and phone your GP or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 to see if you need a test .

These cold or flu symptoms include:

  • Runny nose or
  • Sore throat or
  • Cough or
  • Fever or
  • Loss of sense of smell or
  • Sneezing or
  • Shortness of breath

Please also remind our students that if they are feeling unwell they can call the Te Puna Waiora health centre to discuss their symptoms, but they must not walk into the centre without phoning first, as it puts other vulnerable patients at risk. Contact Te Puna Waiora: Phone 0800 10 85 10 or on xtn 7248.

More info on what you need to do at Alert Level 1 is available on the Government website, and also refer to the reminder below – Golden rules for everyone at Alert Level 1:























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