Farm Road entrance closed from Monday 5 December

From 5 December 2022, Unitec campus will only be accessible via Gate 4 and Gate 1.

Gate 3, (the Farm Road entrance) will be closed for the next year to enable construction works by the  Ministry of Housing. Further information on the development can be found here.

Our Unitec campus map has been updated to show Gate 3 temporarily closed. Gate 2 has been closed for some time, and will remain closed for the next year.


Our teams will collect and store any signage that we move from the site, and Ministry of Housing and Urban Development signage will go up at Gate 3 detailing closure and access points.

Students will also be communicated with about this change, and signage alerting people to the closure will be put up to help direct people to the correct gates.

For any questions contact Jaala Jacobs

Access points/map