Over the next 2 weeks, the TPA team is running six sessions to provide staff with an opportunity to drop-In for chat, get some advice/support, on aspects they are considering carrying over from COVID remote teaching to their practice in Semester 2, 2020.
The days and times of the drop-in sessions are below. No need to register, just call into the Zoom session with your questions.
- Monday 22 June, 10am
- Wednesday 24 June, 10am
- Friday 26 June, 10am
- Monday 29 June, 10am
- Wednesday 1 July, 10am
- Friday 3 July, 10am
You can also find the links to the meetings on Moodle.
These sessions are for academic staff who have had their semester 2 course approved to continue in a full or partial online/blended format, or are considering teaching online – teachers will need to follow correct process to gain approval, by first speaking with your APM.