As assessments are nearly completed, it’s time for our learners to confirm their courses and re-enrol for 2021.
To help drive course confirmation and re-enrolment, Student Success, Operations and Marketing are partnering along with our Academic whānau to offer an accessible, helpful and robust set of events and communications to educate and inform our learners on the need to secure their places for next year, and the various ways they can do this.
This includes three events on site and virtual sessions:
- Virtual drop-in event: 10 December 2020
- Waitākere campus: 21 January 2021
- Mt Albert campus and virtual: 3 February 2021
All students have been asked to attend one of these events which will be supported by academic staff to cover programme- specific questions, as well as enrolment specialists.
As you’ll have noticed, we have updated the language around re-enrolment following discussions with the Enrolment team, Student Success and Academic staff, and have started the process of transitioning the language from ‘re-enrolment’ to ‘confirm your courses and re-enrol’ to offer more clarity and give impetus to this important process.