Desk-fit: Tips for working from your home workstation

Home workstations are a great way to create remote working flexibility but they are not often set up specifically for your posture and don’t have the ability to be adjusted.  Below are some useful tips to help you keep yourself well in this environment.

Laptops have the advantage of portability but they often lack in adjust ability. When the screen is at the right position for your head and neck it is often in a poor position for your arms and vice versa. This results in poor working posture.

If you’re sitting at any workstation for prolonged periods of time you should do the following to ensure good health and musculoskeletal health. Try these tips:

Musculoskeletal strain

Caused by incorrect posture


Tips to consider

  • Avoid crossing your legs when using a computer for an extended period of time
  • Take frequent breaks and stretch your legs to get the blood flowing to decrease the chance of it pooling in your extremities
  • If you do have to sit for an extended period, make sure you bend and move your extremities even while sitting because every little bit of movement will help
  • Try out these Desk-fit: Back, neck and shoulder stretches, also Yoga is a great way to relax and help with physical and mental stress (check out – Yoga@home: Online anywhere anytime!)

Sleeping problems

Artificial lighting that is given off from computer screens can actually trick your brain and suppress its release of melatonin – the substance that assists your sleeping patterns.


Tips to consider

  • Refrain from using a computer right before going to bed
  • Read a book or do something relaxing before going to bed, to make going to sleep easier

Recommendations for the safe use of laptops

Limit usage time

  • Have a break away from your screen every 30 minutes to move, stretch and give your eyes a rest – take a walk out in the garden or along the street for 5 minutes or so
  • Avoid using laptop on a high surface as this will result in elevated shoulders cause shoulder and upper back pain

For extended periods of laptop use

  • Where possible, use a separate keyboard and mouse (wireless are the best option)
  • Take regular breaks (as above)
  • Raise the height of the laptop screen with a laptop stand, old skool phone books!
  • Adjust the font size if needed. You can do this by right clicking on your desk top and select Display Settings, increase the percentage under Scale and Layout
  • Position your laptop to avoid glare and reflection on the computer screen
  • Set up your workstation as recommended in this video how to work more ergonomically at home in this NYPost article

Tips to Consider

  • Keep our work area clean and uncluttered around your computer.  That’s the bench, table and floor) clear from cords, cats, dogs, kids, wine glasses and or bottles. Anything that you can slip or trip on.
  • Don’t overload the power point – this is where your device is plugged into the wall socket.
  • Remember to take regular breaks – have a stretch, a coffee, a walk around.
  • Keep warm or cool depending on the mood. (fans heaters, windows work well for this!)
  • Have you got a working smoke detector? Do you have a fire evacuation plan and a clear pathway to an outside door in case of a fire?
  • ·Keep cool and carry on – we will get through this
  • Please keep in mind that you are responsible for your own health and safety and for others in your own home. Stay home, stay safe


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