The next round of consultation on the Organisational Design and Change Programme opens this week. The consultation period will run for five weeks and will close on Thursday 20 July.
During this consultation, proposed organisational designs for the following groups will be shared:
- Kāhui Ako | Ako Delivery
- Kāhui Mātauranga me ngā Punaha Ako | Academic Centre and Learning Systems
- Kāhui Hua Tiriti | Tiriti Outcomes
- Kāhui Ākonga me te Ahumahi | Learner and Employer Experience and Attraction
- Kāhui a te Tumuaki | Office of the Chief Executive
Please read the latest Ngā Taipitopito newsletter for information on:
- Consultation process and timeline. Note that the information won’t all be shared on Monday. Impacted kaimahi will be contacted first, then Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership Team (ELT) will hold online hui for all kaimahi on Thursday 15 and Friday 16 June.
- Online hui where Te Pūkenga executives will share the proposed designs. We encourage you to attend multiple hui as different information may be shared at each hui.
- How to access the consultation document and provide feedback via the new ‘What Say You’ platform
- Finding support during times of change
- Now until 15 June Conversations held with significantly impacted kaimahi
- 15 June ELT host online sessions to give an overview of the proposal
- 15 June Consultation opens – you’ll be sent an email with information on how to access the consultation document and how to provide feedback
5pm - 20 July Consultation closes
- August 2023 Decisions are shared following analysis of feedback