Our Industry Partnerships team sent out their biannual ‘Alumni Connect’ newsletter last week to past students, to give them with an update on what’s happening on campus, to share great stories of our graduates’ successes and maintain their connection with our Unitec whānau.
The newsletter also spurs some of our graduates on to enquire about further study or possible links with the industries they’ve moved into since graduating.
A story in the latest edition features our industry partner, land development and planning consultancy, Cato Bolam. Unitec Alumni and Business Principal at Cato Bolam, James Renall, says they have recently hired five Unitec graduates. He says they find our graduates in architecture, surveying and engineering, universally have the training and ability to apply skills to the projects they’re given.
Read this story and more about the great things our graduates are doing, in Alumni Connect.
Many of our alumni are happy to give back to Unitec too – offering to assist with tutorials or speaking with students. Melinda Chuo, Senior Industry Partner in our Industry Partnerships team creates and distributes the newsletter and says they get a lot of positive feedback from our alumni.
“The newsletter makes them feel like they are still part of the Unitec whānau. Most of those who get in touch want to give back to Unitec or to ‘pay it forward’. They are those who find significance in sharing their successes with others.”
Check out the newsletter on the Industry Partnerships Nest page (right hand column), or link directly to the newsletter on our website.