Where can I find information about getting help?
If you are struggling, talk to your Manager and check out the ‘Staff Support’ page on the Te Aka / The Nest for information on our internal and independent (external) support network.
If you need to talk to someone about your mental health/wellbeing, please contact our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for a range of advice and counselling services.
If you need someone to talk to right now, free call or text 1737 24 hours a day. Click here for more information.
Emergency information and links
Auckland Emergency Management>>
If you were affected by the floods and need information, advice, or support, you can contact the following service providers.
- If your life is at risk, phone 111.
- To report flooding, damage to drains, or stormwater issues, please phone 0800 22 22 00.
- To report slips on private land contact the landowner, or if you are the landowner, your insurance company.
- For landslides that might affect public land, contact Auckland Council on 09 301 0101. For landslides that might affect public roads, contact Auckland Transport on 09 355 3553.
- If you need urgent accommodation assistance, phone 0800 22 22 00.
- For welfare assistance you can phone the Ministry of Social Development on 0800 400 100.
- For home and contents damage, take photos before cleaning up, and contact your insurer.
Auckland Council – State of local emergency>>
For urgent flooding issues (building and infrastructure) phone 0800 22 22 00 or use the online form: Report a Problem
For information on disruptions to sites and facilities please, visit the Facility webpage>>
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) updates
Information on ‘how to keep safe’ and ‘what to do’ can be found on the NEMA website
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) contact numbers
- Dedicated line for impacted residents: 0800 400 100(open 8am-5pm, Monday to Wednesday)
- Urgent accommodation assistance: 0800 22 22 00
Where people have COVID-19 and must leave their homes and cannot be accommodated with other whānau, the number to call is Health 021 227 4908