Te Pūkenga newsletter: Ngā Taipitopito October 2021

Kia ora koutou

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve made significant progress in the establishment of three key bodies who will provide valuable insight and advice to Te Pūkenga Council – our interim Staff Committee, interim Learner Advisory Committee and interim Komiti Māori.

Each of these Committees has been established as a statutory advisory committee for Te Pūkenga Council to consult with about “significant matters relating to the Council’s strategic direction” that are relevant to those represented by the Committee and consider any advice given on those matters or any other matters by the Committee.

As required by legislation, a representative from each committee will sit on Council. This will ensure your voices and the voices of our learners and Māori are part of every meeting and Council discussion.

I am delighted to share with you that:
1. representatives for the Staff Committee have been confirmed by each subsidiary and the group are soon to have their full induction. I want to congratulate, and thank, all those who were selected. The Council representative from the Staff Committee has also been approved by Council and will sit as a Council member at the November 2021 meeting. Congratulations to Heath Sawyer;
representatives for the interim Learner Advisory Committee have also been confirmed, together with their representative on Council. Congratulations to Jordan Gush;

2. the appointments to our Komiti Māori have been approved; this Committee is now made up of experts appointed in partnership with Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group of the National Iwi Chairs Forum. The Komiti will provide our Council with advice, quality assurance and critical thought leadership. The representative on Council is soon to be confirmed.

3. the establishment of these Committees is a key milestone for Te Pūkenga as it provides a governance framework for Council to engage with staff and learners and partner with Māori. Collectively, these Committees will bring diverse and independent staff, learner and Māori voices to conversations about our development – ensuring we keep ākonga at the centre of everything we do, build on good practice and be locally responsive to the needs of all learners and Māori learners, their whānau and communities.

Each group will design and test the framework we’ll use when permanent committees are put in place in 2023. For staff, I encourage you to take opportunities to engage with your staff representative, particularly when they seek feedback from you.

Each committee is an essential element of our governance – so it’s a real milestone to have them established and providing advice to Council to ensure we deliver the best outcomes for all of our learners.

You can read more about the committees here.

Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Chief Executive

Kia ora koutou

I ngā wiki e rua kua taha ake inā te kaunuku haere hei whakatū i ngā rōpū matua e toru, ka riro mā rātou e tuku taonga whakaaro, tohutohu hoki ki te Kaunihera a Te Pūkenga, arā te Komiti Kaimahi, te Komiti Tohutohu Ākonga me te Komiti Māori. Rātou, rātou ngā komiti e toru mō tēnei wā.

Kua whakatūngia ia Komiti nei hei komiti tohutohu ā-ture mā tā Te Pūkenga Kaunihera e whakawhiti kōrero me rātou mō “ngā take nui e pā ana ki tā te Kaunihera ahunga rautaki” e hāngai ana ki te hunga e whakakanohitia ana e te Komiti me te whaiwhakaaro ki ngā tohutohu mai i te Komiti e pā ana ki aua take me ētahi atu take.

I runga i ngā whakahau a te ture, ka noho tētahi māngai mō ia komiti ki te Kaunihera. Mā tērā e mātua whai wāhi ai ō koutou reo me ngā reo o ngā ākonga, me ō te Māori ki ia hui, ki ngā whakawhiti kōrero hoki a te Kaunihera.

E koa ana ahau i ēnei mahi kua tutuki:

1. Kua oti te whakatau i ngā māngai mō te Komiti Kaimahi e tēnā, e tēnā āpitihanga, ā mea ake nei ka tūturu tō rātou whakaurunga. Nei te mihi nui ki a koutou katoa i kōwhiria. Kua whakaaetia hoki e te Kaunihera te māngai Kaunihera a te Komiti Kaimahi, ā, ka noho hei mema tūturu o te Kaunihera hei te hui o Noema 21. Ka nui te mihi ki a Heath Sawyer.

2. Kua oti te whakatau i ngā māngai mō te Komiti Tohutohu Ākonga mō tēnei wā, me tā rātou māngai ki te Kaunihera. Ka nui te mihi ki a Jordan Gush.

3. Kua whakaaetia ngā kopounga ki tā mātou Komiti Māori; ko ngā māngai mō tēnei Komiti he mātanga i kopoua tahitia me Rōpū Kaiārahi Mātauranga ā-Iwi o te Kāhui Heamana ā-Iwi. Ka riro mā te Komiti e tuku tohutohu, whakaū kounga, me ngā huatau kaikini. Mea ake nei ka whakatauhia ko wai te māngai ki te Kaunihera.

He tohu nui te whakatūhanga o ēnei Komiti mō Te Pūkenga nā tana whakarite anga kaitiakitanga e whakaanga ai te Kaunihera ki ngā kaimahi me ngā ākonga, kia mahitahi hoki me te Māori. Hei huinga kotahi, mā ngā Komiti e kawe mai ngā reo rerekē, reo motuhake hoki o ngā kaimahi, ngā ākonga me ngā Māori ki ngā whakawhiti kōrero mō te whanake haere o Te Pūkenga – mā te pērā e mātua whakarite ai kia noho te ākonga hei pūtake mō ā mātou katoa, e whakapiki atu hoki i runga i ngā mahi ako papai, e urupare anō hoki ki ngā hiahia o ngā ākonga katoa me ngā ākonga Māori, ō rātou whānau, hapori hoki.

Ka riro mā ia rōpū e hoahoa, e whakamātau hoki i te anga ka whakamahia e mātou ina tū ana ngā komiti tūturu ā te tau 2023. Ko tāku ki ngā kaimahi, kia kaha koutou ki te whakaanga ki tā koutou māngai ake, ina koa e rapu ana a ia i ō koutou whakaaro.

He wāhi tino whaitake tō ia komiti ki te kaitiakitanga – nā konei he tino tohu nui te whakatūhanga i aua komiti nei, ki te tuku tohutohu ki te Kaunihera e mātua tuku ai ngā otinga pai rawa ki ā tātou ākonga katoa.

Pānuihia te roanga atu o ngā kōrero mō ngā komiti i konei.


Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua

Check out the rest of the newsletter on Te Pūkenga’s website.

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