Staff who study: Jone Tawaketini steps out of his comfort zone to achieve success

Jone Tawaketini is an Automotive Engineering lecturer and recent graduate of the Masters of Education Leadership and Management programme. We caught up with Jone to hear about his journey of studying while working at Unitec.


What’s your role at Unitec?
I’ve been a lecturer with the Vehicle Systems and Materials pathway for 10 years and I teach in the Bachelor of Applied Technology Automotive Engineering and Transport Management.

What did you study?
I enrolled in the Masters of Education Leadership and Management in 2012. I needed to complete the Post Graduate Certificate and Post Graduate Diploma Education Leadership and Management first, then finally I completed my Masters in Education Leadership and Management in December 2017. I studied part time, was teaching full time and was also a Curriculum Leader until the end of 2016.

What have you gained from the course?
Overall the course was a challenge for me because my background is Automotive Engineering. My study has developed my skills and experience in academic research and writing, which I can apply and practice with my final (third) year degree students when they work on their industry projects. It has also built up my confidence in carrying out technical and academic research and further developed my leadership and management skills. I’ve been able to share with my students the process and practises required for project management, and the concepts and processes of carrying out technical or educational research.

What did you find challenging in studying while working?
The biggest challenge for me was juggling my work load, family commitments and time management. My background in the Fijian Army helped me to stay disciplined with time management and strictly adhere to my allocated study time.

Who has supported you through your journey of study?
First and foremost I thank my God for being with me during my educational journey.

I would like thank Unitec, my Head of Pathway, Vehicle Systems & Materials, my Academic Leader Bachelor Applied Tech Automotive and colleagues for the support. I would like to acknowledge and thank my supervisors: Dr Josephine Howse and my Associated Supervisor, Dr Falaniko Tominiko for the everlasting support given to me in writing my thesis.

My wife Janet is a teacher, so she helped with proof-reading my work because my thinking and writing always has that engineering view. As a Pasifika student I do have family commitments but at the same time I benefit from the support from my family and friends which helped me to complete my educational journey.

Any other thoughts about studying at Unitec? 
I enjoyed studying at Unitec because my lecturers were very supportive, and the support services available through Te Puna Ako, Pasifika Centre and Maia were awesome, especially as a mature student. I must acknowledge the Learning Centre, which provided the resources. I enjoyed coming to Te Puna after hours and utilise the learning resources. The support from my team was tremendous and I also loved sharing my experiences with my students, which always generate positive vibes. As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child” well for me, “it takes Unitec (Village) to raise me (a child) in furthering my academic journey from being a United Kingdom undergraduate to New Zealand Postgraduate achiever.”

Congratulations Jone, what a fantastic achievement!

Spring Graduation is happening on Wednesday 19 September, at the Auckland Town Hall.

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