Spring Graduation – a day to remember

Staff welcome students with the Haka Pohiri.

On Wednesday, our graduating students celebrated their achievement with family, friends and many of you, our staff. Graduation is a happy and special day when our students are rewarded for their hard work and determination. It’s also a time when our people, who have guided their students to this milestone, can feel a great deal of pride.

Students meet at Albert Park in the city, amongst the Spring flowers.



Following a procession from Albert Park along Queen Street to the Town Hall, our Academic staff did a fantastic job of welcoming the graduands into the hall, with the Haka Pohiri.

Students gathered at Albert Park before walking in procession to the Town Hall.

Two ceremonies were held on Wednesday – the first honoured students from Building Construction and Services, Engineering, Vehicle Systems and Materials, Te Miro, Bridgepoint, Community Development, and Language disciplines, and the second honoured students from Environmental and Animal Sciences, Architecture, Business Practice, Creative Industries, Computer Sciences, Health Care.

Paparazzi time!



A huge thanks to the hard-working people who made this special day happen; it’ll be a life-long memory for our students.

Unitec staff at the meeting point in Albert Park.

Scroll for more photos, and keep an eye out for more images next week.


Friends graduating together.

A group of students and friends hold up the flag of Vanuatu.

The procession up Queen Street, towards the Town Hall.

Whānau wait in the Town Hall for students to arrive.


3 comments on “Spring Graduation – a day to remember

  1. Parul Jaspal on

    It was an amazing first experience to attend graduation ceremony as a staff. Congratulations to all students and all the staff and volunteers who were involved in organising it 🙂

  2. Jennifer Huri on

    Graduation at Unitec is an event which I always look forward to as a way of honoring our students for their hard work and achievement often against difficult odds. It has always been a happy but dignified occasion and a time to meet students with their Whanau and friends. Unfortunately the latest spring graduation (afternoon) was very disappointing in its lack of organization with a very late start and chaotic ending. Most students left the hall before and during the singing of the national anthem and before the exit of the academic procession. Unnecessary selfies were the norm on stage which resulted in delays and the band was just too loud. These are just a sprinkling of comments from members of the audience/public with one father asking if this was an indication of what the situation is currently at Unitec. Students appeared to be unaware of graduation protocols and procedures which was very unfortunate and spoilt what should have been a great occasion.

  3. Paul Hays on

    Kia ora Jennifer,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    The late start was due to a couple of unavoidable delays that held up the beginning of the ceremony.

    We are also looking into developing and implementing new protocols to ensure the students dont leave early again.

    Nga mihi,


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