Co-leadership updates

The Board has approved the proposed model. Gus and Jenny shared an update in an online hui on Wednesday 08 September 2021, see below video.

Your feedback is still welcome:

Previous update:

Engagement hui have been held across MIT, Unitec and online. Detailed background, rationale, drivers of change and what the proposed model may look like were co-presented to staff and students by CE Gus Gilmore alongside Te Rōpū Mataara representatives Professor Jenny Lee Morgan and Toni Vaughan.

Click the image to watch the video recording of the hui at Te Noho Kotahitanga marae

Links to the recorded sessions and presentation pack are below:

Provide your feedback – two ways to submit

All feedback is welcomed from staff and students.

Feedback provided will be compiled and contribute to recommendations which will be presented to the Unitec/MIT Board for consideration and approval on Thursday 26 August. If approved formal consultation will commence with Te Pūkenga and staff.

Consultation and guidance on the proposed co-leadership models will include Te Rōpū Mataara, MIT Rūnanga and kaimahi Māori, tauira Māori, Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, and Iwi of Tāmaki and Māori communities.

If you require any further information please contact

Information on the hui

“I want to thank our MIT and Unitec whānau for hosting our first hui at Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae and Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae which were both very fitting and meaningful settings to launch engagement on such an important kaupapa. We also successfully  hosted our very first online hui spanning across both MIT and Unitec which was attended by more than 150 people, it’s great to see this level of engagement and we’ve already received some really insightful and valuable feedback,” says Gus Gilmore.

Professor Jenny Lee Morgan says “Over the past four months various pathways have been explored and throughout the process Te Noho Kotahitanga and MIT values have guided discussion. This work is intended to be transformational and is a continuation of the legacy rangatira before us dedicated their lives to championing. This kaupapa enacts the Charter and the Minister of Education’s Letter of Expectations sent to Te Pūkenga in 2020.”


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