The Nest – Training and support

Our intranet is used to disseminate news and events to staff and provides access to information and forms that are of relevance to people across the business. The intranet is hosted by IT and is governed by Communications.

Page content is the responsibility of the relevant business units and therefore page editors within these business units are responsible for maintaining the accuracy and relevancy of their information.

Help for all staff

  • To submit a news article or staff notice go to the Nest home page: Quick links > News & Events > Submit News
  • To submit an Event go to the Nest home page: Quick links > News & Events > Submit Event
  • For Support or IT assistance, please submit a request via the IT Self Service or phone the Help Desk on 8484

How to access the Nest from off-campus

  • Go to the Unitec website home page:
  • Scroll to bottom of the page and click on the Staff link displayed
  • When you are prompted to login just use your usual Unitec user ID and password


Training and reference documents


> Intranet Page Editor Guide

> General WordPress tutorials:

> How to position photos within text/on a page: WordPress Image Positioning

> Using the WordPress formatting toolbar: WordPress Toolbar Cribsheet

> Style Guide for Unitec Intranet

> LinkedIn Learning online learning centre (