This page outlines our bookable spaces for events. It also details the available space at Te Puna and outlines other event venues available across campus.
Events at Te Puna
Te Puna is a space for staff, students and visitors – all are welcome. It is however primarily a space to support teaching and learning, which is why we have guidelines to provide the parameters for events at Te Puna –
- Events that benefit students will be prioritised
- Consideration must be given to the amount of noise generated and length of time it will last. The 12.00-1.00pm timeslot is preferred for noisier bookings
- No student social spaces will be booked out during term times
- No event booking will take precedence over a timetabled booking
- No events to take place during exam weeks
- No event bookings can be confirmed until the annual timetable has been released in November for the following year
- No bookings taken during study and exam weeks (except for exam related events)
- Staff events may be scheduled but impact on students must be carefully managed and measured
- The event H&S forms must be completed, submitted and approved prior to the event being promoted
- No marketing or advertising for the event is to take place until the event is approved.
Bookable spaces at Te Puna:
The attached Te Puna – bookable spaces plan outlines the spaces on Level 1 that can be booked and approximate capacity, which includes the atrium, a balcony area, the central library space, the east, west and mall entrance areas, the events kitchen and reception area, and the yellow lecture theatre Kiosk (which is a display space area with a stand).
How to submit a booking enquiry:
If you’d like to make a formal booking enquiry for one of these spaces, please complete this form. It will be reviewed by the Te Puna Events team and you’ll be notified once the group has met.
There are also three teaching spaces on Level 2 of Te Puna (180-2043, 180-2044 and 180-2045) which can be booked through the Web Room Booking facility (see more information about this under ‘Other Academic Spaces’ below).
Other event venues
- Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae – Available for pōhiri, functions, workshops, lectures, wānanga, overnight stays and social events. Please check our availability before booking. Our marae team can provide you with advice and make arrangements for all cultural requirements around pōhiri and mihi whakatau and talks on the wharenui which are always really well received. To book your event, please complete the marae online booking form.
- Boardrooms and larger meeting rooms – These can be booked in Outlook (in the ‘To’ section, put in the number of the building that the meeting is in and you’ll get all the options in that space)
- Lecture theatres – These are available when not being used for teaching and learning. Details are available in Timetabling’s ‘Web Room Booking’ facility, which details room type, equipment and capacity – Nest > quick links > Academic Resources > Timetabling > Web Room Booking. You’ll need to use your Unitec username and password to login
- Other academic spaces – There are a number of other larger student teaching and learning spaces that can work for an event function, small seminar, workshops etc. Details are available in Timetabling’s ‘Web Room Booking’ facility, which details room type, equipment and capacity – Nest > quick links > Academic Resources > Timetabling > Web Room Booking. You’ll need to use your Unitec username and password to login