
Below is a list of commonly used acronyms at Unitec and in the education sector.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


AAPPA – Australasian Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers

ACE – Adult and Community Education

ADHB – Auckland District Health Board

AMP – Asset Management Plan

ANZASW – Aotearoa NZ Assoc of Social Workers

ATT – Apprenticeship Training Trust

AUSSE – Australian Survey Student Engagement

CAGs – Collaborative Administrative Group

CAM – Capital Asset Management

CIE – Construction, Infrastructure and Engineering

COG – Collaborative Operations Group

COGS = Colleagues of Great Support

CPA – Certified Practicing Accountants Australia

CSWEANZ – Council of Social Work Educators Aotearoa NZ

EFTS – Equivalent Full Time Students

EMA – Employers and Manufacturers Association

EPA – Environmental Protection Agency

EQ – Evaluative Questioning

ERA – Employment Relations Act

ERO – Education Review Office

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

ES Strategy – Environmental Sustainability Strategy

ESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages

FCCM – (Fee/ course /costs maxima) policy

FITEC – Forestry Industry

FS – Foundation Studies

HWNZ – Health Workforce NZ

IELTS – International English Language Testing System

IPENZ – Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)

IRO – Institute of Research Office

ITO – Industry Training Organisation

ITPNZ – Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of NZ

ITPQ – Quality Assurance for the New Zealand ITP Sector

KATTI – Kei a Tatou te Ihi

KEQs – Key Evaluative Questions

LLN – Literacy, Language and Numeracy

MAC – Modern Apprenticeships Co-ordinators

MECA – Multi Employer Collective Agreement (Joint Polytechnic Unions)

MIT – Manukau Institute of Technology

MOE – Ministry of Education

MoRST – Ministry of Research, Science and Technology

MOU – Memorandum of Understanding

MRTB – Medical Radiation Technologists Board (Statutory Body)

NAMS – National Asset Management Steering Group

NCEA – National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NCNZ – Nursing Council of New Zealand

NEET – Not in education, employment, or training

NQF – National Qualifications Framework

NSI – National Student Index

NSN – National Student Number

NTOU – Non time of use

NZICA – New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants

NZIMRT – New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology

NZIS – New Zealand Immigration Service

NZITP – New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics

NZMA – NZ Management Academy

NZMH – New Zealand Men’s Health Trust

NZQA – New Zealand Qualifications Authority

OCNZ – Osteopathic Council of New Zealand

OOP – Offer of place

OTEPs – Other Tertiary Education Providers

PA – Programme Administrator

PBRF – Performance- Based Research Fund

PCET – Post-Compulsory Education and Training

PCPA – Primary Care Practice Assistants

PFIL – Postgraduate Fee Increase Limit

PILOT – Pacific Islanders Leaders of Tomorrow

PL – Programme Leader

PPBG – Public Provider Base Grant

PTE – Private Training Establishment

QA – Quality Assurance

QMS – Quality Management System

QRF – Quality Reinvestment Fund

QRP – Quality Reinvestment Programme

REAP – Rural Education Activities Programme

RFC – Request for Change

ROMS – Research Output Management System

SACF – Student Achievement Component Funding

SAEER – Self Assess External Evaluation Review

SEC – Senior Executive Committee

SEED – Unitec Mentoring programme

SEQUAL – Student Evaluation of Quality (students evaluation of lecturers)

SEU – Shandong Economics University

SMG – Space Management Group

SON – Statement of Needs

SOW – Statement of Work

SSC – State Services Commission

SSR – Staff Student Ratios

STAR – Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource

STEO – Services for Tertiary Education Organisations website

STM – Standard Training Measures

SUTI – Skills Update Training Institute

TAMU – Tertiary Advisory Monitoring Unit

TANZ – Tertiary Accord of NZ


TEC – Tertiary Education Commission

TEFMA – Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association

TEI – Tertiary Education Institutes

TEO – Tertiary Education Organisations

TEOCF – Tertiary Education Organisation Component Funding

TEREBG – Tertiary Education and Research Electricity Buying Group

TES – Tertiary Education Strategy

TEU – Tertiary Education Union

TIASA – Tertiary Institution Allied Staff Association

TIFAD – Try it for a Day (Student recruitment)

TISSL – Tertiary Information Systems and Sector Liaison

TOU – Time of Use

TWOA – Te Wananga o Awanuiarangi

TWWOA – Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi

UAT – User Acceptance Testing

UATT – Unitec Apprenticeship Training Trust

UESB – University Entrance, Bursary & Scholarship

UREC – Unitec Research Ethics Committee

USU – Unitec Student Union

WDC – Scentia- Web Data Collector

WDHB – Waitemata District Health Board

WINTEC – Waikato Institute of Technology