

Unitec New Zealand Limited (Unitec) is a Crown entity established under the Education and Training Act 2020. As we are funded by the government, we have the obligation to ensure accountability and transparency when spending public funds – provide public value.

In order to ensure accountability and transparency and deliver public value, we as an institute must follow established procurement policy, rules and regulations. To this effect Unitec has it own procurement policy, and we are aligned to Te Pūkenga and Manukau Institute of Technology Procurement Policies as well as the Government Rules of Sourcing. The details of the government Rules of Sourcing can be found at


Why have a policy and processes?

To strengthen accountability, we must account for how we spend taxpayers’ money. Our own policy, along with the Principles of Government Procurement and the Office of the Auditor-General’s Procurement Guidance for Public Entities, provide a framework that promotes responsible spending when purchasing goods, services, and works. This framework supports proactively managing procurement process and delivery risks.

The Rules also establish processes that are consistent and predictable, making it easier for us and suppliers to engage with each other.  We must also be aware of, and comply with the common law of contract, public law and, where appropriate, commercial law obligations.

To promote our values, we as a government funded tertiary education institute is committed to open, transparent and competitive procurement that;

  • Delivers best value for money
  • Does not discriminate against suppliers – no favouritisms
  • Meets values and standards – policy and rules reflect these values and standards.

To encourage commercial practice, early market engagement and continued fair and transparent dialogue with suppliers are essential to the results we can achieve. Our own procurement policy and government rules of sourcing aim to encourage better commercial practice by promoting these types of behaviours and achieving greater value for money.

There are other requirements that we need to adhere to.  They are the finance requirements stated in our Policy.  It is the responsibility of all staff engaged to purchasing goods and/or service on behalf of Unitec to read and fully understand the accountabilities and obligations, and follow.