Some Archive Boxes available for staff to purchase from our preferred stationery provider (Staples) are:
- No where near durable enough for the storage of records, even for short term storage; and
- Larger than the standard accepted Archive Box dimensions of 260(h) X 305(w) X 400(l) millimeters and will therefore be rejected by our offsite records storage company
(based on their shelving dimensions) should staff wish at some stage to move these boxes offsite, once the records inside them have served their required time here on-site.
The only Archive Boxes staff should order from Staples are:
- Marbig Strong Archive Storage Box
10006861 (single box)
18782190 (Pckt of 3)
- Marbig Enviro Archive Box (with an attached lid)
66664551 (single box)
- Marbig Enviro Box (with separate lid)
66664550 (single box)
18683603 (Pckt of 5)
If you want Archive Boxes specifically to box up records to go immediately to offsite storage –
Contact the Manager, Information & Policy directly to order these boxes. Boxes for the offsite storage of records will be provided free of charge (at this stage) by Information and Policy Services. However, these boxes will only be provided once the Manager, Information & Policy has determined that the records your department / area wishes to store offsite are records that Unitec should be keeping. This is to prevent records that should instead be destroyed / no longer kept, going offsite. Every box stored offsite attracts a monthly storage fee. Knowing which staff are getting records ready to go offsite also means that the Manager, Information and Policy can work with your department/area to ensure the records have been boxed and organized correctly and will therefore be accepted by our offsite provider.
For information about out offsite storage provider and the process for getting records offsite, visit our Offsite Storage of Records page.