Service Level Agreements

The Technology Partnership Agreement (TPA) document is a formal agreement which outlines the expected levels of service, response times and responsibilities between Information Management Services and schools/service departments. The schools/service departments also have responsibilities in the partnership e.g. the schools provide a list of their key users and schedules of critical times throughout the year where a higher level of support is required. The TPA response times have recently been reviewed and negotiated with the schools/service departments.

 TPA Meetings

Information Management Services meet with schools/service departments on a monthly basis. To assist Information Management Services, TPA representatives from each school/service department are encouraged to identify technology issues and future developments within their area and bring this information along to the TPA meetings.

When will my request or problem be actioned?


  • Response time: The logged job has been acknowledged by the technician.
  • Key User: The school or department supply a list of Key Users for each system or application who require a higher level of support than other users.


Target Response Times for General Faults

Priority Example Response times
1 Urgent issues e.g. network failure in teaching lab or library. 30 minutes
2 Key customer, hardware failure or software failure. 8 hours (1 day)
3 Single Customer problems with internet, voicemail and software applications. 12 hours (1.5 days)

Target Response for PeopleSoft Faults

Priority Example Response times
P1 PeopleSoft Jobs for Cashier / Payroll / System Down 30 minutes
P2 PeopleSoft Student Enrolments / Invoices / Printing 8 hours (1 day)
P3 PeopleSoft Security Changes e.g. access rights 16 hours (2 days)
P4 PeopleSoft Queries / Reports / Development 56 hours (1 week)

Target Response Times for Change Request

Priority Example Response times
4 Change request for new or upgraded software, reallocation of hardware 16 hours (2 days)
5 Change request for all lab software 24 hours (3 days)

Target Response Times for AV theatres, bookings and projectors

Priority Example Response times
AV Theatres and PeopleSoft Projects / Bookings
PeopleSoft and major network problemsBP – Booking Priority is reserved for AV theatres and bookings
PP – Project Priority is for Projects
24 hours (3 days)

Please note that outside the semester times, response times will vary because of the impact of major upgrades and projects.