Exam Support

Exams in the Computer Labs

IT provide a specialised service to support lecturers holding exams in the computer labs.  The Services include:

  • Supply of Customised exam codes
  • Management and training in use of exam codes (e.g. uploading of exam files, cleaning codes, access rights)
  • Hardware and software checks prior to exam (available on request)
  • IT representative to assist students logging in at start of exams (available on request)

To facilitate the smooth running of the examinations held in the computer labs, Information Technology require exam timetables from the lecturers so the labs can be checked prior to the exams.

The purpose of exam codes:

  1. To avoid any cheating and dishonesty during the exams.
  2. Students only see the relevant exam information.
  3. Easy to transfer exam files into the exam codes.
  4. Convenience of marking the exams.
  5. High security: Exam codes are locked by default. Codes are only unlocked at the request of the lecturer.

How do lecturers receive exam codes?

IT provides a set of exam codes to lecturers and these codes are reusable for the whole year.
The lecturer can apply for exam codes by sending an email to itsupport@unitec.ac.nz or by submitting a job on-line (see instructions below) at least 5 working days before the first exam:

Requesting exam codes on-line:

  1. Click on IT Self Service from theNest
  2. Enter username and click Sign on with Unitec
  3. Go to IT Services > Exam Services
  4. Click on ‘Exam Code Request
  5. Fill in all details (including Exam Room support requirements)
  6. Click Submit

Note: Exam room support is for a representative to be present for the first 15 minutes to assist with student access.

Configurations and Applications:

The exam code network S: drive is the only drive the exam codes can access. Lecturers can place information on the network drive for students to access during the exam. The students only save the files in the network drive. If logged into Windows 10, students need to ensure they choose the exam code S drive otherwise it will save to the local PC.

Exam codes can use all applications specific to the lab with the exception of Internet Browsers. If you do require internet enabled codes, please ensure you specify this when requesting codes.

How do I enable and disable exam codes?

Call ext. 8484 (help desk line) to enable/disable codes a few minutes before the exam is to start. Please state your name and the exam codes number. Exam codes can only be used after enabling.
To disable Codes: Call ext. 8484 immediately after the students exit the exam room. If one student leaves early, please call to disable this one exam code.

Testing the exam codes

Please test exam codes before the exam by calling the Help Desk to enable one of the codes.

To test codes, type the exam code in both the username and password field. Example:

Username: exam0001
Password: exam0001

Please notify the IT help desk ASAP if you encounter any problems

Support information

Support hours for Exam Services:

Full support:  8.00am – 8.00pm Monday to Friday.

Limited Support: 9.00am – 4.00pm on Saturdays.

Weekend and evening full support will ONLY be available by prior arrangement.

Exam support: If you require an IT Support representative to be present for the first 15 minutes to assist with student access, please forward an exam timetable (day, date, time, venue) to itsupport@unitec.ac.nz or submit your request on-line at least 5 working days prior to the exam.

Submitting a request for exam support on-line:

  1. Click on IT Self Service from theNest
  2. Enter username and click Sign on with Unitec
  3. Go to IT Services > Audio Visual Services
  4. Click on ‘Room support booking’
  5. Fill in details and click Submit.

How do lecturers transfer data into the exam accounts?

Email itsupport@unitec.ac.nz with the file/s and exam code numbers and we can copy the file for you.

How do lecturers mark the exams?

There is an S: drive which is mapped into the lecturer’s account for them to view/modify the exam codes that belong to them.

What do lecturers do after all exams are marked?

When you have finished with the exams (after marking) please log a job with the ask IT Help Desk to clear the exam codes so they can be reused for your other exams.

What about Security?

Some lecturers have requested different prefixes for the exam codes because they are concerned students will guess the codes. 3000 accounts were created specifically for exams.

The generic codes do not present any security issues because they are enabled and disabled at your request, i.e. just before and after exams.

This system is very successful for a number of our lecturers e.g. if a student leaves before the exam finishes, they immediately call 8484 to disable the account.