Discount on tuition fees

Unitec staff who want to undertake courses that cannot be described as “work related” can get a 25% discount on tuition fees for Unitec programmes (excluding short courses).  Support for work-related study continues.  Discuss this with your Manager and refer to the Tuition Fees Policy below.

The other good news is that family members of staff can also get this 25% discount. The definition of “family” includes those for whom we have “day to day care and responsibility” and is based on the concepts of de facto “custody” and “guardianship”.

This discount is also available to Advisory Committee and Council members, as well as their families.

How to apply?

Fill out the appropriate Tuition Fees Application Form and take it to your Manager, along with a completed enrolment form. Forward these enrolment documents to the relevant Faculty Centre. If you or your family member has already enrolled, then take your approved Tuition Fees Assistance form and your invoice to the Student Registry who will re-calculate your fees.

Application for Tuition Fees Assist_November 2019

Application for Family Tuition Fees Assist_November 2019


More information

If you would like more information please refer to Policy on Tuition Fees Tuition Fees Policy