Frequently Asked Questions

What is ASK HR used for?

ASK HR requests are used for any change to a contract or for a new hire. A change to a contract can mean a change in salary outside of the normal pay rounds, change of working hours, an extension of a fixed term contract.  ASK HR requests should also be used for the recruitment of a new member of staff, or when an existing staff member are taking on a new role within Unitec, as well as for contracts for service.

This is not an exhaustive list and for further help concerning ASK HR please contact your HR Business Partner for changes or Recruitment for hiring.

If I have an HR or Payroll Query who do I contact?

All HR & Payroll staff are listed on the HR Staff Page. Please click here for further details.

Where can I get help using PeopleSoft Self Service?

For more information on PeopleSoft Self Service click here.

How can I update my Personal Details?

  • Any correction needed to your business/position title and department must be emailed via your department manager or Business Administrator as well as to HR Services at to be actioned.
  • If you want to update your email address, please ask IMS Support Centre to update your email address in Active Directory.
  • If you want to update your office location (building/room number), mobile number or extension number, please log a HEAT job to IMS via
  • If you want your ‘official’ name changed, you must email a copy of the official documentation evidencing this name change (such as a marriage certificate or passport) to HR or payroll so that they can action this change.
  • Any corrections required to your staff qualifications must be emailed to the Web Team for action, with any qualification corrections first being verified with HR Services so that HR systems can be updated accordingly.
  • Any corrections required to your staff profile can be made by yourself by logging into the Staff Profile Editor. Please check the instruction on how to use the Staff Profile Editor.
  • Any corrections required to your publications and presentations listing must be emailed to Tuapapa Rangahau (the Research Office) who will use this information to update the Research Output Management System (ROMS) database. This database is then used to update the publication listing displayed against your name in staff directories.
  • If you have any corrections to your supervised theses, email them to the Postgraduate Academic Administrator at Tuapapa Rangahau (the Research Office).

How is annual leave shown on PeopleSoft?

Annual leave is split into accrual pro-rata and entitlement. Accrual is leave that has been accrued in the current year since the staff member’s anniversary.  Entitlement is leave that has not been taken from previous years and carried over.

The combination of these two types of leave is the current total that you see on your leave balance.

You do not receive your whole leave accrual at the start of the anniversary year; it is accrued on a daily basis through the course of the year. For further information on this please contact your Payroll Administrator.

How much leave am I entitled to?

Staff are advised to read their employment agreement regarding various leave entitlements.

How do I check my leave balances?

These can be viewed on PeopleSoft under: Main Menu – Self Service – Leave Balances.

Alternatively please refer to the PeopleSoft training manuals for guidance.

How do I work out my leave balance for a future date?

Please use this  Future Leave Calculator

When are Payroll cut off dates?

Any changes to salary, new hires, changes to bank details etc must be with Payroll by the Thursday before pay day to ensure they are processed.

The PeopleSoft Electronic Timesheet Summaries must be submitted and approved by Friday before the pay day to ensure they are included in the next pay run.

When do I get paid?

Money is transferred to your account fortnightly on a Tuesday and the funds are available to you the following day. The pay period covers the fortnight Wednesday to Tuesday in arrears.

How do I change the bank account my pay goes into?

You need to complete a Bank Authority Form. Send the form to Payroll with a copy of your bank slip showing the account details.

How do I obtain a Certificate of Earnings?

Please contact your Payroll Administrator

How do I change my tax code?

You need to complete an IR330 Tax Code Declaration from the New Zealand Inland Revenue website. Please send this to Payroll.

Why haven’t I been paid?

If you are a new staff member you will not be paid until your details have been loaded on to the payroll system. All paperwork from the starter pack must be returned to ensure this happens. Any staff member whose pay has stopped and they are not aware of the reason should contact their Payroll Administrator, Cres Wells (Surnames A-K) or vacant (Surnames L-Z) immediately.

Useful Links

These links may be useful in answering your HR/Payroll related questions.