A dedicated events team has been created to help you put on fantastic events and take a lot of the work off your hands. When planning an event, you can seek advice, request logistical support or hand over the planning and management of your event to either Romy Sunny or Paul Hays.
Brand reputation and consistency are really important when putting on these events, so we want to help make this process as streamlined and easy as possible and are going to achieve that by keeping all of the planning in-house.
To do this, we have created a form that will give us an idea about what you are planning and the level of support you need. Based on your brief, we will give advice and support as required or take the lead and plan / manage the event ourselves. Giving us plenty of notice about your event will help us to manage our capacity, but there may be times when we can only offer advice and support, rather than full event management.
Please give us at least 10 working days notice for your event. The sooner the better!
You can also contact us on events@unitec.ac.nz if you have any questions about anything event-related!
Please contact us to utilize our expertise to help you put on a fantastic, memorable event.