Web Room Bookings

Web Room Bookings (WRB) is part of the Syllabus Plus suite and enables Unitec staff to make ad-hoc room bookings for events other than regular semester classes.

Click here to make a Web Room Booking

You will need your Unitec username and password to login.

Please note:

  • Ad-hoc room bookings must be made at least 24 hours before access is required.
  • The Timetabling Office manage all ad-hoc bookings that are generated through WRB.
  • Once an ad-hoc booking is submitted a Booking Request/Booking Confirmation/Booking Cancellation email will be sent to the user.
  • If you don’t have access to the room booked, you will need to log a job for Security to open up the room via FM Help job.

For any additional requirements:

  • Room Access: Log a FM Help Job >> Category: ‘Security’
  • IT Equipment Arrangements: Submit a IT Self Service request or contact IT Help Desk on extn 8484
  • Furniture Arrangements: Log a FM Help Job >> Category: ‘Furniture’

Note: All Course and Exam bookings associated with a Programme of Study are to be made through the Timetable Office directly and are not to be entered as ad-hoc bookings through Web Room Booking.

Web Room Booking Support: