BCS students celebrating the completion of their studies with their friends
Earlier this month our School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology, gathered with students, their friends and whānau, and staff, to share and celebrate their 2020 achievements, creativity and success!
The ‘mini’ gradfest included a poster exhibition and presentations from two Electrical Engineering students and also from a team of Computing students:
- Treadmill Joystick prototype for use by gamers – Khan Thanh Quach (NZ Diploma in Engineering)
- Communication between PLC Siemens S7-1200 and Arduino, to assist with communication in automated systems – Phong Van Luu (Bachelor of Engineering Technology – Electric strand)
- myBubble app is an android contact tracing app that uses Bluetooth Low Energy to record encounters with other nearby users of the app – ISCG 7431 Capstone Project team; Cuba Haywood, Martin Rothville and Samuel Shingler (Bachelor of Computing Systems)

Presentation: Communication between PLC Siemens S7-1200 and Arduino, to assist with communication in automated systems
There was also an award ceremony for the School’s top students from Semester 1 and 2:
Bachelor of Applied Technology winners
Semester 1 – Kris Wang
Semester 2 – Joshua Feleti
Bachelor of Computing Systems winners
Semester 1 – Scott Richard McDonald
Semester 2 – Samuel Shingler

Presentation: myBubble app – an android contact tracing app that uses Bluetooth Low Energy to record encounters with other nearby users of the app
Full list of top student winners
Head of School, Susan Bennett, says the event was a great way to acknowledge and celebrate everyone’s mahi and she was really pleased with the opportunity to engage not only with the students, but their proud families and friends.
Scroll down for more pics…

Head of School, Susan Bennett, lead the formalities

BCS students, happy to be celebrating the completion of their studies

The Capstone group