Remembrance olive tree bears fruit one year on

A ‘Commemorative Reflection’ ceremony in remembrance of the victims of the Christchurch mosque attacks and their families was held alongside the now fruit-bearing olive tree, planted a year ago to mark the day the attacks took place.

Glenn Mckay, our Tumu & Executive Director of Student Success, opened the event with his own remembrance karakia, while School of Applied Business staff member, Munawwar Naqvi, gave a reading from the Koran.

More readings, words and prayers celebrating diversity, unity, love and solidarity were offered by our Muslim Chaplain Sheik Rafat Najm, Chaplaincy and Multi-Faith Service Coordinator Ricky Waters, as well as staff and students present at the event. Sheikh Rafat Najm shared some words from the Prophet Muhammad – spread peace, reconnect and feed the hungry.

The special gathering closed with a two-minute silence and personal reflection time.

Thank you to Ricky Waters for co-ordinating this event and our speakers.


Pictured below: Our speakers: Ricky Waters – Multi-Faith Service Coordinator, Glenn Mckay – Tumu & Executive Director of Student Success, Sheik Rafat Najm – Muslim Chaplain and Munawwar Naqvi – Technology Centre Coordinator, School of Applied Business

2 comments on “Remembrance olive tree bears fruit one year on

  1. Mary on

    A year ago, I posted this commemoration on my FB page. May I have permission to use the photo of the fruiting olive tree as an update in my FB post?

    Nga mihi


  2. Louise Coburn on

    Thank you for your message Mary. This is one of several great pics that Ching Ting Fu from Marketing took. I’m sure she would be happy to send your a file of this pic – please contact her direct

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