Register for Tū Arotake – midyear staff event


Our mid-year staff catch-up will take place on Wednesday 07 July, 9.30 – 11.30am in Te Puna. After a very disrupted past six months, Gus said it will be a great chance to come together, reflect on where we’ve been and look forward to the rest of the year and beyond.


Our Executive team will share progress on the work they’ve been doing with Te Roopū Mataara and our extended leadership team, including exploring the co-leadership model, and they’ll share an update on the Tāmaki Makaurau strategy. They’ll also discuss our journey for the next year and a half, from being an independent provider to full integration into Te Pūkenga. Your feedback will be welcomed on these important kaupapa.

We’ll also hear from Dr Bobby Hung – School of Creative Industries Lecturer about his journey as an artist, a student and now a teacher.

Tū Arotake is an opportunity to meet kanohi ki te kanohi, share our stories and kōrero as a group. The formal part of the day will be followed by kai.

  • Wednesday 07 July, 2021
  • Arrive 9.15am. Event runs 9.30am – 11.30am, followed by kai

It’s important that you register to help with our seating and catering requirements, so please click the link button below to register your attendance, if you haven’t already.





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